Friday, March 11, 2016

.MOV Film Festival

Hey guys! Our new project in GT is to  make either a movie trailer, sitcom, or an animation. My partners Wailana, Ella (go check out their blogs), and I have decided to do a movie trailer. Its about two hippies learning to do things. It is supposed to be a comedy but if its not, whoops. Some keywords that would describe our trailer would be friendship, learning, patience, determination, and appreciation. These words are important because our movie trailer is not only supposed to be funny, but also very low-key inspirational. Friendship would apply because the two hippies become friends in their journey. Learning is extremely important because these hippies are learning to do new and unique things. Patience is also very important because the friends aren't good at what they are learning at first but it takes patience to continue trying. Determination because they will not stop until they get the hang of the activities and perfect it. Lastly, appreciation because each hippie is taking the time to teach each other the things. The hippies appreciate it. They also appreciate all the work they put in to do this activity because they soon realize that what they are learning is not easy.

Our overall message is to be kind and help. Whether it's something that someone is having trouble doing, or some is wanting to learn how to do it, we want to teach them to be a friend and help. In our movie trailer, our hippies are learning to do activities loved by the other hippie, like surfing or designing. They are taking time and putting all their effort into getting the hang of things. They WANT to learn. Not only do they learn to do the actual things but they also learn kindness and patience. We want people to think of the hidden meanings.

The biggest challenge that my partners and I had to face was scheduling. I have dance Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Ella has soccer Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, with games Saturday. Lastly, Wailana has volleyball Friday and Sunday. So as you could see, finding some time for filming was extremely challenging. We filmed all of it in about 6 hours total, the first three proving to have been completely useless. So basically, all the footage that we are using came from about 3-4 hours of film time. When we first filmed, I had to skip dance because it was a Tuesday. The time that we used was the useless bit. Then we made another time on Sunday morning. I got picked up on Saturday by Ella, then we went to her house. Wailana came over and we spent the night. then, on Sunday morning we got up and filmed. We used all of our time wisely. Then, Wailana's dad grabbed Wailana and I and took me home. The Wailana went to her volleyball game. We got everything we needed!