Hi everyone- my name is Alina Puig. I am new to Blogger so I thought I'd tell you some interesting facts about me. I have peacock blue hair and do Ballet and Hip Hop with Kauai Dance Center and EXCEL! Dance Studio. I was born and raised on Kauai, Hawaii and I am going to be on a dance show called Mokan Nokan. It's a show for younger kids but I am in the opening scene and the show pilot. Its world premier will be released this Sunday at 4 o'clock. An INCREDIBLY weird fact abut me is that I make myself laugh everyday for a total of 3 hours because I feel that laughing is just as healthy as eating an apple a day. Lastly, I am a very weird, happy person and I embrace it.
I feel that my manifesto can apply to you because we all like to be happy- its a great feeling! And I am always trying to keep a smile on my face, and I tell others to as well. Everyone finds someone who doesn't really like them, if they don't then that's fine. It's their opinion so don't change yourself. Stay the person you are and were meant to be. YOU have to choose what you want to do, don't do what others say. I want everyone who is reading this to make their own decisions. Healthy eating makes you feel great and look great and I know that I like to feel good and energized! If you are feeling down, it always better to look for the good thing in life. Thinking good makes you feel good. Being you is all anyone wants from you, and if they want otherwise, they are incorrect. YOU are YOU! Embrace it because it feels good to be open and free instead of trapped. I want every single one of you to be the happiest you can be. My manifesto is just to make you all feel EXTRAORDINARY! Bye bye for now and I'll see you soon!
The class that I use this blog for is called GT Media, which is Gifted and Talented and we work with computers and technology. So for future reference, whenever I say GT, I'm talking about my favorite class of all, Gifted and Talented.